A Life Coach can Help you GROW!
The GROW model is a goal setting process designed to help capture your most valued and autonomous behavior goals and translating them into doable action plans.
(Spence & Grant, 2007, Alexander, 2006)

The first step is supporting you to establish a behavior-change goal you want to achieve. What do you want to achieve? What is important about this for you?

Once a goal has been formed, we will explore your current situation and context. How does your current situation affect this goal and your approaches to achieving it? What is happening now in your life?

Brainstorming possibilities to explore and discover a list of options to achieve your self-determined goals. To consider potential obstacles that may impede your progress. “What are possible obstacles”? “How will you respond to those obstacles”?

In time, the best options begin to surface, and you are ready to determine your next steps. You will be able to formulate specific goals and action plans for your self-directed goals. What will you do now? How will you move forward?
There are 6 areas of human growth or wellness. You can explore several at once or choose to focus on one at a time. Ultimately, addressing all Six Dimensions of Wellness builds a holistic sense of robustness and fulfillment.

People often go through their daily lives disconnected and unaware. My role as a coach is to offer support as you take intentional action toward conscious creation of the life you desire!
Wellness is a conscious, self-directed and evolving process of achieving full potential.
Wellness is multidimensional and holistic, encompassing lifestyle, mental and spiritual well-being, and the environment.
Wellness is positive and affirming.
Are you ready to be the best that you can be?